Saturday 21 January 2012

Square pegs fit round holes

Square pegs fit round holes.

Please take the time to read all of this blog. I humbly, not brashly, submit it could be the most important blog you or your business ever read. I'd so love to believe that as it's written with heart :-)

The world is changing. No, I don't mean there's an end to racism and other injustice, nations haven't shifted from austerity to prosperity in a seamless shift overnight.

What is changing though is the mindset of some people in business. Teams of 'round peg for round hole people' have started to recognise the value of the odd square peg person.
I've worked with businesses where I've seen square pegs around the business. It's exciting and so heartening. I know that square pegs can make some people uncomfortable even there but relax people. If you trust them they will remain the most loyal. Don't pull the rug from under their feet just because they see things differently. That's more priceless than any mastercard advert strap-line could come up with.

I'll be the first to admit I'm a bit of a square peg but that doesn't stop me being a huge team player. I've been very, very lucky so far. I've always worked, albeit by luck rather than judgement, for companies that knew how to how to harness my square peg-ness and get the best out of me and my ideas for their business. Because of this I feel confident enough to write this blog.

There was a time, and let's be honest it still exists in introspective businesses, that the 'square peg' person would have been vilified - accused of not being a team member or not with the program. The truly smart teams though, now recognise the worth of the square peg man or woman. It's the people that recognise this that are the true leaders.

So smart industry is shifting its attitude to square pegs - are you? This shift is possibly due to the late, great Steve Jobs from Apple. A man who is spoken of with admiration and awe now, was once vilified as being too much of a square peg, not a team member, seen as not being an 'Apple person' and even thrown out of his company - Apple.
Of course, he ended up back at Apple and history now speaks on his behalf. From an ostracised, even loathed square peg to a square peg that people realised cared more about Apple and changing lives than they ever dared to believe the day they threw him out.  So my second doff of cap goes to Steve Jobs and Apple for daring to let his square peg fit their round hole. For eventually recognising that althought it would be a nightmare if everyone was a square peg, it is vital to welcome one or two into the team.

So square pegs really do fit round holes. Who would have realised they care the most? Who would have thought? Who would have dared to have thought? Go on - I dare you.

Note: Be bold and change lives no matter what your industry - make a difference.

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