Wednesday 4 January 2012

"I wonder if...."

Anyone that knows me knows I love ideas. Grand, small, ambitious or simple ideas, they all float my boat. To me they're like air. I need them and when they're as fresh as a chilly morning they excite and inspire me. Here’s my quick guide to ideas about ideas.

1) Never be afraid to have an idea. Every great idea starts with a “I wonder if….” moment.

2) Don't worry about having bad ideas, they're the route to great ideas - nobody just has great ideas. The trick is applying a filter to ascertain what's good and what isn't. Just don't implement an idea until you are sure as can be that every particle has been filtered.

3) Be prepared to fail. The greatest ideas are fraught with the greatest challenges, some of which will be out of your control. That is not a reason not to pursue them though.

4) Never sit on a good idea. By all means schedule the idea for the most opportune time but doing nothing shouldn't be an option

5) It's fine to copy ideas (just don't breach copyright). Someone once said to me “Why shouldn’t I copy an idea. After all, that way I know it works” – Fair comment, though always apply number 10 of these points.

6) Find your own angle to ideas other people have. Look outside your industry/business and see if their ideas that you can tailor.

7) Trade ideas with other ideas people. This can be incredibly productive and more often than not inspires extra ideas for all concerned. I speak to my contacts constantly running ideas I have past them, testing the water.

8) It's good to be an ideas square peg for a banality round hole as long as you remember what you need to achieve from being so.

9) Always credit the people whose ideas you use or who inspire ideas from you. You may be the one implementing them but you should still doff your cap to the original ideas person and/or idea inspiration. Failing to do so is tantamount to stealing the idea, which leads me nicely to…….

10) Never try to, or accept, credit for ideas that are not your own. Anyone who has ideas will have experienced this and found it to be royally frustrating.

There you go – ideas about ideas. I look forward to hearing yours soon.


  1. Hello Lee, Mary Fuller777 like this page a lot and the content the spelling mistake is "I wouldnt have it any opther way.

    Looging on to your site guess you are aware by now been a tenant of Bromford 17 years, have Bipolar and get immense support from my local team:) Happy New Year:)

  2. I like the format of your profile and realise as I have altered mine on various occasions how views and opinions of oneself can change.

    I feel very optimistic about this year and I in truth do not know why. Usually after the holidays it takes me until Spring to get the bounce back in my feet. But that is Bipolar for you:)

    For anyone out there in Bromford Housing Land no one but you can truthfully resolve, your problems, but there is help if you seek it. I left school at 16 and finally, went back into Education returning to my first love the Environment at 55, in those three years my Health and personal issues have intervened and am back again after a years deferral. Just wish I had published the blog I was working on when Bromford Support Worker arrived.

    In the content of that is "Never give up and never give in"

  3. i HAVE JUST PUBLISHED A BLOG REGARDING SAVING FUEL BILLS. i HAVE BEEN WORKING WITH THESE THINGS, MY HOUSE FOR OVER 16 YEARS IF YOU WANT FRESHING AND NEW, REQUIRE INNOVATED IDEAS, I THRIVE ON THEM HOPE THIS HELPS THE OTHERS. you will never get from me perfect english, grammar or spelling, other than when for the universities sake it is required I write in olde Essex

  4. If you Speak with James Wright of Bromford he has met me. Ask Wolverhampton to deal with this and contact my local branch.
