Sunday 19 February 2012

Help and support?

Hello everyone - I need your help and support

Not my usual @thatPRman blog but one where I will be asking for your help and support.

I am going to have to get mega fit (basic fitness would be a start), shed several stone and cycle well over 1,000 miles in fourteen days. I will be cycling from John O'Groats to Land's End but unlike others I am going to cycle into Wales calling at Swansea and Cardiff also whilst not missing out Birmingham en-route. It's the equivalent of over 3 marathons a day for 2 weeks. I'm yet to refine the ride but it will look something like this map:
"...make a genuine difference..."
I have decided that I want to try and make a genuine difference to changing lives of at least some people for the better. We are going to choose four charities, that could really benefit from an injection of cash.

I say 'we' as I'd like your help. I need to choose four charities or charitable organisations. I'm open to any suggestions but I'm interested in youth/children projects, supporting families in need/crisis, mental health, bullying, and/or charities that support people with illness or their families. Ideally the money raised will go to specific projects or work and will

I will post details in the coming weeks of how you can help with financial contributions but in the meantime please send any suggestions of charities or offers of help with bikes, places to stay en-route or just shouts of encouragement would be really welcomed at my email address You can also contact me on Twitter @thatPRman or by phone on 07912 762850

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE copy and paste this link to your Twitter and Facebook pages and help drum up support.

Right this is calling for me in my conservatory:

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