Friday 7 October 2011

Bromford CEO replies to Prime Minister

Bromford CEO replies to Prime Minister
6th October 2011

Mick Kent, CEO of housing group Bromford, has responded to prime minister David Cameron’s pledge this week to ‘inspire a new Tory housing revolution’ to tackle the faltering housing market.
The Prime Minister was speaking at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester. David Cameron spoke of how the Government are addressing the shortage of homes and the fall in the housing market brought on by the debt crisis.
Mick Kent, CEO of central England housing group Bromford, commented: “The Prime Minister has spoken of encouraging right to buy by increasing discounts and investing the sales proceeds to provide replacement homes for affordable renting. 
“We would want to be convinced that the numbers add up and that the money would be ring-fenced to replace each lost social housing home.  If that really can be achieved we would welcome this move to meet the housing needs and aspirations of existing and future residents. 
“The pledge to release publicly owned land for housing development along with the Homes and Communities Agency’s plans for facilitating this could be very significant in stimulating the housing market and we would urge the government to make a good proportion of this land available at a subsidized price to enable more affordable homes to be provided.”
The Bromford CEO also addressed David Cameron’s announced commitment to families, parenting, childcare and tackling the problems in society that led to the August riots.
Mick explained: “Bromford works with thousands of disadvantaged families and young people, helping them to realise their potential, improve their employment chances and contribute positively to their communities.”
“October is Supported Housing Month and many young people we are supporting are showcasing their achievements in a way that gives me great faith in the future of this country.  With the right support and encouragement our young people can be a force we should all be proud of.”
 To find out more about the services of Bromford visit or call 0330 1234 034.

Press release by Lee O'Hanlon

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