Thursday 17 May 2012

Every bit of Blu-tack counts

"Every bit of Blu-tack counts."

I heard someone say this today. It was someone that's great to work with even when we disagree - I reckon they'll fall into the point 2 camp that you'll find later in this blog.

Sometimes the title of blogs I read are so delightful that the blog itself cannot live up to it. "Every bit of Blu-tack counts"  is one of those.

Upon hearing it said, I immediately thought 'that sounds like a great blog title'. A shame then that it's too nice a title to spoil with a blog. So I will abandon the blog there.

 You will now feel one of two emotions: 
1) That you have wasted your time reading this blog
2) Be inspired to think and contemplate the many usages of such a title.

If the former strikes a chord with you, we are unlikely to have much in common and you're probably too busy muttering a snide remark or jibe in the direction of someone with real talent. There's a good chance you dream of carrying a placard that says "Down with this sort of thing" but never dare to even take that tepid protest a stage further and realise it.

However, if the latter, we should meet for coffee, perhaps some cake, and then work out how together we can make a difference whilst turning the world on its head. I'll bet you're not a huge fan of steering groups for most challenges, and have a creative streak that I'd probably admire.

There's a very good chance that you're smart enough to be sending a DM to @thatPRman right now. Speak soon then.....

PS Be brave good brave - dare to dare. #creativity
PPS I bet if you chose emotion 2 you've just realised you're in both camps after all.
PPPS If you've just said "What a load of..." - you're right.